Monday, July 14, 2014

I Find This Commercial Highly Offensive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              How offensive do I find it ,darlings??????????  For once, I don't care if the guy is hot, and that's pretty bad!   So, you know this commercial just sets me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Have you seen it, dolls?  It's the latest for Summer Eve body wash.  The aforementioned guy is lathering up in the shower, while his wife is at the sink, commenting to him on how good the body wash is for her "v" area?  She then says to the guy, "Do you know you are using it?"

                                   What follows is an appalling montage, starting with a look of such terror in the shower, one would think he was about to be castrated.  Next, he is drinking a raw egg, punching a boxing balloon, pulling a car with a rope between his teeth, then leaping beside his wife in the chair, guzzling beer, and crushing the bottle.  She then says, "That was close."

                                     This is so sexist and offensive, to both men and women.  It tells men that they are nothing more than testosterone fueled machines, and that if they accidentally should happen to use a feminine product, then he their penis will wither up inside them, and they will have a vagina!!!!!!!!!!!!  And it makes women seem that all they want in a partner/husband is some dumb, testosterone fueled lug.  Have we returned to the Fifties, loves????????

                                    But, then, I am gay.  Maybe I would find this tolerable, were I straight. Somehow, I do not think so.  And, somewhere, I think, there are some straight men out there who would be as offended as I.  Maybe for the same, or different, reasons.

                                    Let me tell you how this ad would play out in a a gay man's context.  There would be this balletically slender, clone type, in the shower, having spent the night at his fag hag girl friend's house, who is in the bathroom with him, at the sink, putting on make-up. which so fascinates him, he is not really aware of the bottle he is reaching for. When his girl friend tells him what he is using, the camera moves in for a close-up.  He smiles, shows the bottle directly at the camera, as the film cuts to a Disney like wooded glade, where, in live action, he steps out of the shower, feeling like Leslie Caron in "Gigi." and says, "Ooooh, I feel so fresh and clean!"

                                    Girls, all this reminds me of that old childhood story I used to hear, about napkins.  A little boy is sent by his mother to the store for napkins, and comes back with the wrong kind.  When she reprimands him for this, he blurts out, "Feminine napkins, masculine  napkins, what's the difference!"

                                       Bet that kid is now some fashion fag, at Conde Nast!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Goose and gander, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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