Monday, July 14, 2014

Happy Bastille Day, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             We had our fireworks ten days ago, with he Fourth of July, and now the French have Bastille Day!  I really wanted to put up a photo of Blanche Yurka, as madame Defarge, from the 1936 MGM, David O. Selznick "A Tale Of Two Cities," but, since for many, it might be your first sight of the day, let alone the work week, I did not wish to scare anyone!

                               Actually, Saturday felt more like Bastille Day, to us, here!  We went to the birthday party of my friend Audrey, who, though now 44, can still pass for 25!!!!!!!!!  It was held at the palatial estate of her sister, Erika, where the setting, complete with a beautiful garden and arbor, made us feel as though we were in Alain Resnais' "Last Year At Marienbad."  The mood was as celebratory there, as I am sure it will be in France, today.

                              There were no fireworks, but when the Fabulous Ruby made her entrance, looking summer fresh, hair pulled back, in a white summer blouse and pink (this girl has taste!) shorts, the party swung into full gear. the children followed her about like couriers, and when we discussed hats, and I said the word "designer," she smiled knowingly.  Miss Ruby is going to go far.  It would not surprise if, for a summertime hobby, she has taken up trigonometry!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                What a summer feast!  And the deserts--everything from strawberry/rhubarb pie, to cake and cookies.  Audrey's birthday was the party to make the Summer Social Season.

                                 But, next month, there will be Miss Ruby's.  And you can bet, she will do all in her power to top it!

                                  Happy Bastille Day, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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