Sunday, July 20, 2014

For A Deconstruction Warm Up, How About The Greatest Male Singer Of My Generation????????????????

                                   Not only did he have the finest voice of any Broadway performer I ever heard, but David Carroll, who passed away, in 1992--can you believe it has been 22 years, darlings????????--was, let's face it, a girls, a hottie!  He would be 64 if alive today, and I have no doubt his voice would still be going strong.  Though it only ran for two months at the Imperial Theatre, I had the privilege of seeing Judy Kuhn, Philip Casnoff and David in "Chess," and, when he stepped forward to sing the "Anthem," I felt truly privileged.  You had to hear him sing.  No male since has come close to his warmth, tone and technique.

                                If you don't believe me, just listen to David, here!  It will leaver you in tears.

                                Following his passing, there was a Memorial held at the Gershwin Theatre.  It ended with a giant filmed image of David, out of the show, singing what became his signature song--the "Anthem" from "Chess!"  There wasn't a dry eye in the house, when it was done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I don't recall if Broadway dimmed its lights for David, but it should have done so!!!!!!!!!

                                  I am certain that among the Celestial Realms, he ranks big!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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