Monday, July 21, 2014

An Open Apology To Sister Camille!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Every Sunday morning, at 8:35 AM, my beloved and I look forward to the commentary of Sister Camille D'Arienzo, of the Sisters Of Mercy, on 1010 WINS.  She has been dispensing words of wisdom for over forty years, and I can tell you, darlings, the commentaries I always hear, and try to adhere to, are often more satisfying, spiritually speaking, than a full service of Mass.

                                  I don't know how Sister Camille would feel about that, but I am telling the truth.  So, raised with a goodly share of Catholic guilt--what Catholic isn't--you can imagine my emotional discomfort, when, on awaking Sunday morning, we looked at the clock--and it was past 8:35!!!!!!!!!!  Monsieur ran out to turn on the radio, but it was clear we missed Sister Camille.  Does she ever get repeated?  If so, I wish someone would let me know!  Baby Gojira was quite upset too, as he stands by the radio, waiting for her words of wisdom.

                                  The week just doesn't seem to have the same kick, without Sister Camille.  I would love to know what she spoke on.  Next Sunday, to make sure, I will get up early, sleep in the living room, where I can hear all the clocks, so I will be ready next Sunday for her.

                                     My most humble apologies, Sister Camille!   We love you; you are a treasure that adds to the enrichment of our lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Forgive me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I will even scrub some stone floors, as penance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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