Monday, July 21, 2014

Guess Who Is Coming Back, On Sunday, August 3, Darlings?????????????????

                               Can the world be actually making some kind of attempt to right itself, girls???????  Because, on Sunday, August 3, at 10PM, Paula Zahn returns to ID, with "On The Case."  She has not been banished to the shopping channel or Food Network, as I had feared.

                                  What will Paula wear?  How much improvement will her outfits and hair be, over last season?  And will she maintain her customary, script-reading earnestness, that makes her such a riot to watch?  Will one of her traumatized interviewees get so upset with her that they will slap her across the face, on camera????????????

                                     These are questions always asked of Paula, and it will be interesting to see what is and is not worked out.  So, just bear up for two more weeks, and you can get your Paula Zahn fix!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Remember..."Be with us next time, on August 3, when we are back 'On The Case.'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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