Monday, July 7, 2014

Girls, This Was All We Could Handle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              What a Fourth Of July weekend it was, darlings, including, for my memory, one of the coolest--weather wise--Independence Day on record!!!!!!!!!!

                                But, on Saturday, the fifth, we went to Coney Island, and what an experience that turned out to be.  It has changed, girls, and I am  sad to say it has lost its period antiquated charm. One element of it that survives is the Carousel, now glass enclosed, and located next to the Parachute Jump.  It is also the best bargain on the boardwalk--only $3 for a ride, and was docile enough for the two of us to handle.

                               As for the rest--forget it!--unless you are young, have no concept of your mortality, or are in the mood for death defying stunts.  The amount of danger on all new rides at Coney Island suggests, to me, a young culture, preoccupied with defying death.  Not me; with sixty closing in on me, my sense of mortality is keen.  Though I plan to stick around for a long time past sixty.  I have to take care of my beloved!!!!!!!!

                               And Coney Island is not cheap anymore!  The rides are now sold in blocks of time--the cheapest is $32/person, for unlimited rides and four hours in the park!  It goes up, from there.  At Nathan's, Monsieur had clams and a medium soda--$19!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Fortunately, the sea breeze was refreshing, and offset what might otherwise have been the blazing summer sun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Yesterday, we schlepped out to Morris Plains, to see those two wild and crazy kids, Linda and Marilyn.  But not as wild as Auntie Alvin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Tonight, we have Chris' birthday party, which should be fabulous, and Thursday is "Attack Of The Fifty Foot Woman," the one and only 1958 version, with Allison Hayes, William Hudson,  and Yvette Vickers in her signature slut role of "Honey Parker."  How I wanted to be Yvette, when I was a child!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          So, The Raving Queen is back on the beat, and invites to join!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Let's see what the rest of July brings, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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