Monday, July 7, 2014

We Love Joan Rivers, Darlings! But We Are Glad Joan Loves Joan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Have you heard the latest about Joan Rivers, girls????????  Recently appearing with Fredericka Whitfield (who is about as WASP as I am; you can tell this is some Bodega bred chick from Da' Bronx!!!!!!!!!!) on CNN, to promote her new book, "Diary Of A Mad Diva," the comedienne got into a snit with Whitfield over her goading, snide questioning.  If I had been Joan, I would have reached out with my fist, and slapped her face on national television.  That would have boosted ratings, I can tell you!

                              Good for Joan, for standing up for herself!  But, as my beloved says, something had to be calculated somewhere, because look what a sensation it is causing, and it will help boost her book sales!!!!!  So, maybe there is a little self-promotion on Joan's part.  She is one smart cookie.

                                 Not so Fredericka Whitfield.  That name is as phony as she is.  Probably got her journalist credentials online; the profession has sunk that low, when you see how the news is being covered on television.  Give me Sue Simmons any day!!!!!!!!!!!  Even Gene Simmons, of KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Here is the interview with Joan.  I agree when she tells Whitfield, "You are not a person to interview someone who does humor!"  She shouldn't be doing any interviewing at all!  She should go back to that Bodega she was bred in, in the Bronx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       And people say Joan is a bitch?  Honey, give me Joan any day!  Not Miss Whitfield!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Or, as I should say, Miss Velez, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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