Monday, July 7, 2014

It's Time For Some Sickness, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We haven't had any in awhile, girls, but when I heard the story of Larry  Gene Bell, last night on Investigation Discovery, I knew it was time for some sickness.

Larry Gene Bell, who was born on October 30. 1949, and died on October  4, 1996, just 26 days before what would have been his 47th birthday, was one sick fuck.  On May 31, 1985, right off the premises of her parents' property on Platt Springs Road, in South Carolina, he abducted Shari Smith, age 17. holding her family in a reign  of psychological torture and terror, by repeatedly calling and giving them hope about Shari being alive.  He actually made Shari write out a last will and testament, which was mailed to her family, and, then, of course, when the instructions came for where to find Shari, what was found was a corpse that had been dead for days; probably the day she was abducted.

And , over this time, Bell was developing some sick obsession with Shari's older sister, Dawn, who became the only family member he would talk to!!!!!!!!

But wait; it gets better, darlings!!!!!!!!!!  Shortly after Shari was found dead, the calls stopped coming to the Smith house, but when they resumed, it was to reveal that Bell kidnapped 9-year-old Debra May Helmick near Old Percival Road, in Richmond County, again in South Carolina!!!!!!!!!!

Why is it there  is never any middle ground, when it comes to the South?????  You either have high bred folk of style and gracious elegance, or low class, White Trash types!!!!!!!  Nothing in between!!!!!!  What gives???????

 When Bell was finally caught and convicted, it was discovered he had a history of having assaulted, stalked, menaced, and possibly murdered, other women!!!!!!  He also was famous for making obscene phone calls.

And this from a man who graduated high school in 1967, became an electrician, married and had one son!!!!!

I had to wonder, when I heard Bell's story, what his background was.  He was born in Ralph, Alabama.  The family moved around a lot, so he graduated high school in Columbia, South Carolina; hence his connection to that state.  He also had three sisters, and, I am telling you, between that, and his mother, there had to have been some women issues that this sicko sadistically worked out by his murderous, predatory behavior.  God forbid he should do something sane, like seek medical/mental help.

Bell got the Death Penalty, and was executed on October 4, 1996.  He played all sorts of tricks; insanity, up to his death, he claimed he was Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!  Well, good for you, honey; who the hell is going to believe you??????

At his choosing, Bell elected to die by the electric chair!!!!!!!!  I hope he was burnt to a crisp!!!!!!!!!!!

Because he is certainly burning, now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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