Thursday, July 10, 2014

I Can't Believe Lee Has Finally Written A Book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I am talking about the great Lee Grant, darlings, better known to some on here, as Miriam Polar, in "Valley Of The Dolls."  I actually heard about this, listening to NPR this morning, and I did not realize she was only 24 when nominated for "Detective Story."  That film (she had also done her role of the Shoplifter on stage!!!!) was released in 1951, which means Lee is around 87 now, and was about 40 when she made "Valley Of The Dolls," which has changed the lives of so many--both those who were in it, and those who weren't!!!!!!!!  Like me, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

                                      There is so much I want to hear Lee talk about, in her book--"Detective Story," being blacklisted, her daughter, Dinah Manoff, "Valley Of The Dolls," "The Swarm," even the last performance I remember seeing her give--almost unrecognizable--as the Bag Lady, in David Lynch's "Mulholland Drive."

                                       Remember, she immortalized two screen lines---

                                        "Tony, how many times must I tell you? At night, all cats are grey?"
                                          "I better go heat up the lasagna!!!!!!!!!!"

                                        How many actors get great lines like that, today???? Not many!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         So, I am looking forward to Lee's book.  Once I get done my Summer Reading, dolls!   And I will be sure to give you a full report!
                                     Here is Lee, and her crowd, at a book party!  Too bad I wasn't invited to this one, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                    

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