Thursday, July 10, 2014

Look What Andrew Keenan-Bolger Is Up To Now, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Those Keenan-Bolgers just don't rest, I am telling you!  Celia was recently seen in an outstanding performance on "Law And Order, SVU"--one of the best performances of the season, I will have you know--at a time when she was still cooling her feet, which must be exhausted from breaking audiences' hearts nightly, with her triumphant Laura, in "The Glass Menagerie."

                                    But Andrew, who, for some of us, is just the cutest of the Keenan-Bolgers--isn't he just adorable, girls?????--I recently found out is going to be in the Transport Group's concert presentation of the Meredith Wilson classic, "The Music Man."

                                    Now, I have not seen a cast list, so I cannot say for certain what role he will play, but my casting instincts tell me he will be playing Tommy Djilas, the role done in the memorable 1962 film  by Timothy (Timmy) Everett!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      It remains to be seen.  But there are not too many opportunities to see it!  It is only going to be done for ONE NIGHT--August 11, 2014, at 8PM, at The Irene Diamond Theatre, at The Pershing Signature Square Center!!!!!!!!!!!  It is at 480 West 42nd Street, which I am pretty sure is on Theater Row!!!!!!!!!

                                      So, there is only one night to see Andrew!  Andrew, hon, these one night stands have got to stop!  They get one nowhere!  Believe me, I know!

                                         But it would be great to be there that night, with all my girls, so, when the stage door opens, and he walks out we can all screech, like a bunch of Theater Queens-----

                                          "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNDREWWWWWWWW!"


                                           An Update, Darlings--I just this minute found out that Andrew is playing--
are you ready, girls?--Winthrop Paroo!!!!!!!!!!!!!  If he can do that, then I can do "Henry, Sweet Henry!"

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