Tuesday, July 8, 2014

I've Been Told I Do This Song Better Than "At The Ballet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                         At least, according to my beloved Monsieur.  The other day, I happened to be singing "Nothing," also from "A Chorus Line," and he said it sounded real nice.  I don't often get that, because, having heard me do so many show tunes, he knows when I am singing, or when I am pushing my voice to the point where it goes beyond singing, and becomes screaming.  I know it, too, because I feel it in my throat and voice, so I try to control it.

                                            One of the nice things about "Nothing" is that when I sing it, it  flows, nice and smoothly. I am sure it was designed that way. And when I heard the great Priscilla Lopez, back in the Original 1975 production, sing it for the first time, it struck me that way.  But, then, Priscilla nails it every time, as you shall see. And why not?  It is a signature song for her.

                                               Which is something I would like to have.  A signature song!

                                                 Anyway, in "Nothing," Priscilla, in the role of Diana Morales, recalls her experiences at the High School Of Performing Arts, where she was demeaned by a teacher named "Mr. Karp."  This is easy to relate to, because everyone has, somewhere in their lives, a Mr. Karp. But what happens, in my case, when you have a whole constellation??????????? Like--

                                                    Mrs. Edith Compton--Kindergarten
                                                    Mrs. Esther Cohen--First Grade
                                                    Mrs. Mary Beinhower--Second Grade
                                                    Mrs. Ruth Bergen--Third Grade
                                                    Mrs. Norma Brodsky--Fourth Grade
                                                    Mrs. Elsie Behmer--Fifth Grade
                                                    Mrs. Susan Sher--Seventh Grade Math, who did not allow me to take
                                                            Algebra in the Eighth Grade, when I wanted to!
                                                     Mr. Robert Barber-- Eight Grade Math, who destroyed any interest I might have had in
                                                             Math, and hence any skill in it
                                                     Mrs. Alice C. Santamarina--Honor Society. Enough said.

                                                      Am I leaving anyone out?  Not really; these were MY Mr. Karps.

                                                      "Nothing" became so successful that two composers, Douglas Bernstein and Denis Markell, wrote a parody song, called "Something," from Mr. Karp's viewpoint, in which they do something intriguing with the song's melody--they up it a tone, a bit. Or something.

                                                          Now,  I would love to include myself doing "Nothing" for you all on here. But that will have to wait till some unknowable time in the future. Probably the Afterlife!!!!!!!!!!
Besides, why hear me, when you can hear the REAL thing--Priscilla??????????????

                                                       So, here she is, not in 1975, but in 2011! Hear how great she sounds!

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