Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Believe It Or Not, This Is One Of My Comfort Songs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             "At The Ballet," which, of course, from "A Chorus Line," is its most pivotal song. It is the song, that, if an audience member hasn't been yet, pulls them into the action. And if it fails to that, then there is something wrong with that person, because the show won't work for them, and how can one not respond to "A Chorus Line?"

                               It is the story of three girls--Sheila, Bebe, and Maggie--who, through dance escape unhappy aspects of their childhood.  In Sheila's case, parents with an unstable marriage, Bebe's. the inadequacy she felt over her looks, and, for Maggie, parents whose marriage was disintegrating.

                                For comfort, I find myself singing this song.  Though it is not a happy song, it allows me to escape into its world, just as the dancers do, with dance.  Of course, I do all the parts.  My favorite is Maggie, which, up to a certain point, fits me best, but then there is that crescendo, and there are days when I can do it, and others when I cannot. If I were over going to perform this under any circumstances, I would have to work on that section daily.  Maggie's crescendo is one of the most beautiful aspects of a beautiful song.

                                  How I would love to get in front of a professional pianist, and work on "At The Ballet."  I related to it, because, not through dance, but movies, did I escape.  And sometimes still do.

                                   Pictured above are left to right, Kay Cole as Maggie (the one with the crescendo), Kelly Bishop as Sheila, and Nancy Lane as Bebe, all of the 1975 Original Cast.  Here is how they sounded then.

                                     Now, listen, to Seth Rudetsky  deconstruct the song, to understand how truly
beautiful it is, and why Theater Queens are drawn to it!

                                     "Yes, everything was beautiful, at the ballet, At The Ballet, AT THE BALLLLLEEEEEETTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                         Gotta work on that, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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