Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Now, What Sick Bitch Would Abandon This Adorable Baby????????

                                       Too bad this is not Bitch Of The Week Day, because what the mother of this adorable seven month old girl did would more than qualify her for the title!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I have just one thing to say to the 21-year-old mother (now in custody) who did this--What the fuck were you thinking???????????

                                           This happened around noon, yesterday, at the 59th Street/Columbus Circle station, on the Uptown Number One train.  The door opened, and Mommy pushed the pram out, leaving her darling stranded in a crowded--and extremely hot--teeming subway station in Manhattan!

                                              Sick bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                The baby, a girl, unidentified, was taken to St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital, a good place, and ACS is trying to place the child.  Has to be better than where she came from. Hell , even the hospital is an improvement.

                                               Why didn't she take the kid to a church? Or child services?  Or a hospital?
Better yet, why have the kid at all.  There is something out there, darlings, called Birth Control, and that is what it is meant to be used for, to prevent incidents like this from happening.  I don't condemn parenthood overwhelming the young mother.  I condemn the action she took, when there were better ones to be chosen.

                                                   One is not to have children at all. Why do so many, who shouldn't, have them?  Are they stupid?  Selfish?

                                                     I hope this kid grows up to make a difference in the world it comes to live in. That would be the best revenge that could be had against its dip shit mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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