Saturday, July 5, 2014

We Had A Devil Of A Good Time, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    What a Fourth of July the two of us had!  Not typical, at all!

                                    We were all set to see "Deliver Us From Evil"--or, at least, I was.  I had checked the show times the day before, and, I swear, they said showings were  at 12, 2;30, and 5;00.  The way our day turned out, we decided to go to the 5PM show.  Except, we didn't.

                                       After a late lunch/early dinner, at the Emphasis Diner, we walked over to the Alpine, and purchased our tickets.  Then, when we went to take our seats, the attendant said our tickets were for the 6:35 show.  The one we should have gone to, was at 4PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Quelle catastrophe!  What were we to do?  We walked about, I fell onto street benches and bemoaned, but, eventually, the time passed, and we were inside, seeing this movie.

                                         The one thing this movie makes clear is that the importance for Catholics to see "The Song Of Bernadette" cannot be underestimated.  If the characters in this film had seen it, none of them would have had their experiences.  But,  then, there would have been no story.

                                           Several years before--in Iraq, during the war; where else???--soldier Nick Santino walks into a 'Blair Witch' type basement that smells--and becomes possessed.  He infects malevolence among his colleagues, including his friendJimmy's wife, Jane, and let me tell you, all the actors playing the possessed ones--Sean Harris, Chris Coy, and, especially Olivia Horton, as Jane, (Jimmy--Chris Coy's wife)--walk off with the show.  As Jane, I swear Olivia is going for the Meryl Streep Award; the shot where she throws her child into a lion's pit--and the kid survives--is just too creepy, and I LOVED the scene in the asylum, where she crawls out of the place , in her hospital gown, keys in teeth, looking like a cross between a deranged dog, and Colleen Dewhurst as Avenging Angel in "The Nun's Story!.  And her death, from a building roof, where she crashes onto Eric Bana's dashboard, is not too be missed!!!!!!

                                          Speaking of Eric Bana, he is the hottest cop I have seen, since Chris Meloni stopped playing Elliot Stabler!  Delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!  His career must have taken some turn; going form A-list stuff, like "Munich, " to this, so maybe the 'SVU' franchise should think about bringing him on, to replace that Danny Pino!!!  Huh, guys?  How about it?   Come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Then there is Edgar Ramirez, as Father Mendoza, or, as some of you girls might say, Father Waddawaste!!!!!!!!  I know some of you out there will just want to run your hands through his hair; though I thought he was a bit long toothed for the deranged hippie look he was sporting throughout the film.

                                              The film's real, genuine highlight comes, early on, where there is a scene taking place, at night, in the Bronx Zoo, that is so creepy, you will think twice before going there, again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             This film makes you realize what Catholics go through, all their lives,  in consequence of their bodies being pain wracked, from stone floors!  Just like mine, darling!  Otherwise, the film plays it safe--you know it all--the trouble starting in Iraq, the toys menacing the child in her bedroom, and, of course, strange noises coming right and left! It started me thinking of that scene in "Valley Of The Dolls," when Patty Duke, as Neely, walks off the set!   Some of you may want to walk out of this one!

                                               Not me; I had a thrilling time!  I don't think Monsieur did, though!

                                               And why wasn't I seen, for one of the deranged, possessed characters?
Especially Jane!  I am telling you, when the director yelled "Cut!," they would have to have torn my hands off Eric Bana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 How could any of us girls help it!!!!!  Right???????????????????


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