Saturday, July 5, 2014

What The Hell Was In That Carvel Ice Cream, And Those Rainbow Sprinkles??????????????????????

                            What a night I had last night, darlings!!!!!!!!  In my dreams, that is!

                              It started out with me, as Sheila from "A Chorus Line," in the Sheila costume, walking out of work!  This related to the famous Urban Legend, during the show's original heyday.  After it had swept all the awards, and settled in to the Shubert for a  long--but no one knew how long--run, the story goes that Kelly Bishop, having won the TONY, and creating what was fast becoming (and has, indeed become) an iconic character, wanted a raise.  She went to the producers, and they turned her down.  It bothered Kelly, and according to the legend, during an evening show, when she stepped forward to begin Sheila's monologue, she simply said, "I'm sorry Zach, but I can't talk to you anymore.  I have to leave," then walked off the stage.

                             I don't believe a word of it, but it  is a great story, because, just as the show touched the lives of those who saw it, so the experiences of the Original Cast touched the lives of those who saw them.  Everyone feels a bit unrecognized, at times. Hence, the dream.

                             But, when I awoke, I was disturbed by it, and I could not get back to sleep.  So, my beloved brought in Baby Gojira, to sleep beside me, and he helped me make it through the night.

                               That is when I fell into a Technicolor dream, where the world, though real, had the brightness and magic of a Candy Land game board.  I was given a magic broomstick by the Blue Fairy, from Disney's "Pinocchio," and flew through the air, arriving at various points and people in my life, whom I specifically disliked, and told them to their face, why I did.  Next, I found myself in front of my Sophmore high school locker, with my friend, Doug, and I am  throwing away all my textbooks, with him yelling at me, "What about Miss Williams?"  This has to do, I am sure, with my issue over never having taken Advanced Placement Biology, let alone AP anything!!!!! The dream  then ended by me flying into a candy cottage on a hill, like the one you have to get to in Candy Land, where, waiting for me around the table, was my beloved Monsieur, Cujo, and Baby Gojira.  We joined hands, and danced around the table in what would be an endless link of joy and bliss, and which awoke me, refreshed and amazed!


                               Last night, before going to bed, we stopped at Carvel's and I had a small soft cream vanilla cup, with rainbow sprinkles!!!!!!!!  I want to know, what the hell is being put in this stuff?   Hallucinogenics?????

                                 What a trip, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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