Thursday, August 14, 2014

Beware Of Wolves In Sheep's Clothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             It is just like "Night Of The Hunter," darlings!  Brian Randone, the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, was not only a first class son-of -a-bitch, he was some narcissistic preacher performance-artist, who saw himself as some sort of "Soul Doctor," like Shlomo Carlebach, only lacking the talent of the latter.

                              For someone who espoused celibacy, he certainly put himself out there, at one time going as a contestant on one of the 'Sexiest Bachelor' TV shows, proving he was all bluff, not to mention one big, pussy hound.  But it all came crashing down, when he met Felicia Lee.

                               Now, Felicia was no angel, either. She was no celibate.  An aspiring "actress." she put herself out on Internet sites in provocative poses, even going on to do a series of soft core porn films--and I wonder how close the distinctions were between soft and hard core.

                                 So, here we have two drug addicted (he was no stranger to cocaine, while she championed GHB) and sex addicted people attracted to each other.  This can only be a recipe from disaster, and I do not care what the jury said, at Randone's trial, back in 2011, he murdered and tortured Felicia Lee, under the guise of accidental, but sexual pleasure, in his apartment on the night of September 11, 2009.  Now, this scum walks.  Beware him, darlings!!!!!!!!!!! The preacher will strike again, and when he does, not only will his next victim get justice, so, finally will Felicia.

                                  Killers masquerading as religious give those in the spiritual community a bad name!  Thank God he wasn't a Catholic priest; that organization has enough problems of its own!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    So, here is to Brian Randone, the Bitch Of The Week!  Love solved Maria's problem. The only thing that will solve Brian's is lifelong incarceration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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