Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Another Nail In The Coffin Of Glamour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Lauren Bacall was not one of Truman Capote's Swans, but she should have been. Tall, regal and elegant, she was the equal, visually, of Slim Keith, even if she was just plain old Betty Perske, from Brooklyn.

                       It was that combination of both qualities that made Bacall so enduring an icon, first in movies, then on the Broadway (especially musical) stage, and eventually, as a raconteur for the Hollywood show biz era that went before.

                         Bogie was her great love, but she also weathered a stormy marriage with a stormy actor--Jason Robards.  By him, she had son Sam.  By Bogie, their son, Steve. One, I am told, is a psychologist.  Now, that's interesting!!!!!!!!!  I wonder which one??????????????

                            My two favorite movies of hers were "To Have And Have Not," which introduced the line in the clip, provided above, and "Key Largo."  She also exuded gracious elegance, in "Written On The Wind," but how in hell do you upstage Dorothy Malone, in toreador pants, dancing on record covers, with bongos???????  Not even a child murderess could; because Patty McCormack lost our to Dorothy the Supporting Actress Oscar of 1956, for her iconic, and campy, performance in "The Bad Seed."

                              Lauren was the real thing, and there are not many like her left!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Yes, I know there will be a Dakota apartment on the market, darlings, but can you at least wait, and let her rest in peace???????????

                                   Besides, who on here could afford it?????????  Not I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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