Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I Had Such Plans, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   How many here remember the 1946 film of "The Razor's Edge," with Anne Baxter, in her Oscar winning Supporting Actress performance, as Sophie MacDonald?  I had planned to post on here a video of the scene, which landed her that Oscar.  And that was not in the book, by the way.

                                      Sophie, her husband, and young baby, are in a tragic car wreck.  Sophie survives, and, when she comes to, she asks if her husband made it, only to find out he didn't.  But then she begins to ask, in an extraordinarily plaintive manner, "Baby? Baby?"  And when she gets no answer, she becomes hysterical--I forget if she faints--and this sets Sophie on her tragic, Fantine-like trajectory,. She is this story's version of Fantine, and her grief captured on film is one of the more palpable depictions I have seen of a parent losing a child!

                                        Which, from the buildup of the episode, was kind of what I was expecting from the episode of "It Takes A Village," last night, on "Rizzoli And Isles."   Jane, her kidneys, spleen, and who knows what else damaged, is in
the hospital, but, as for losing the baby she is, like "OK," Maura holds her hand, and that's it!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh, and Mother Angela (the great Lorraine Bracco) confesses she had a miscarriage before giving birth to Jane, and how it made her feel.  Thank God for Lorraine; it was the only emotional moment examining this issue. Jane seemed shut down, unless that was intentional, and she will fall apart, in a later episode.

                                             Because, let's face it, at her age, the ovaries are on their last go round. Her chances to have a child are getting slimmer, save for a miracle.  Which I thought Tasha would turn out to be, because, in previews, were scenes of Jane asking how to be a single foster parent?  I thought the baby would be lost, but Jane would find Tasha, or Maura, with here science connection, would do so, or even maternal Angela.

                                               But, no, it turned out to be the nurse on Jane's ward. A good match, but I did not see that coming. As for the murder, simply routine.  By the books.  I saw it coming.

                                                Domestics upstaged forensics last night. Now, let's see Jane and the gang get back to action!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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