Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tonight, We Get To Find Out What Happens To, Or With, Jane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            This is the evening all us "Rizzoli And Isles" fans have been waiting for--the episode, entitled "It Takes A Village," which, next to the tribute to Barry Frost, promises to be the biggest one of the season.

                             It opens with the mummified remains of a woman being found.  Routine stuff for both Jane and Maura.

                              But something goes amiss, and all that is known is Jane plays the show mostly from a hospital bed, where she is recovering from "a devastating loss."  That can only be one of two things--Casey in Iraq, or a miscarriage, and the baby.  My guess, especially as she is in the hospital, is the latter. Remember, in last week's episode, the perp kicked her pretty hard in the abdominal region.

                                Sources have warned fans to get ready to shed tears.  You know I always have Kleenex on hand. What self-respecting gay man doesn't?  Whether it's for sex, or a viewing of "Now, Voyager," it is essential.

                                    I think bed springs will be silent tonight during "Rizzoli And Isles."  But eyes will be wiped, and toilets collectively flushing at 10PM, when the show ends.

                                      We will dish about it, tomorrow, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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