Friday, August 15, 2014

Congratulations, Mary, On Your Special Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Well, one of them, anyway!  I am certainly no Bernadette, but I do talk to Mary, often.  And Mary hears a lot.  She has perhaps gained more insight into the gay community from me than anyone who talks to her.  And the nice things is, she listens. When you are the BVM, it is a 24/7 job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    So, this is to wish her well on that special day, known as the Assumption.  This was the day on which, when Mary left this Earth, she went straight up to Heaven--no ifs, ands, or buts!  Few of us will have that distinction, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Maybe Sister Camille!

                                       As for Sister Camille and her girls, I am sure they have huge plans for this day. And our lovable reptile friend, Gojira, is going right over to celebrate, wearing a veil, too modest to reveal that in June of 2018, he will be coming out with another movie of his very own.  I don't think that Mothra will be in it, but since the first film did so well this Summer, Gojira is right in the thick of the Hollywood market. As well he should be.

                                         So, thanks Mary, for listening to all my lamentations, and many happy returns, on this, one of your Very Special Days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Another coffee klatch, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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