Saturday, August 16, 2014

I Dreamed A Dream, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Lauren Bacall came to me, last night, in a dream, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I am telling you, it was a spiritual experience!  On this post-Assumption eve, I truly believe Mary and Lauren were watching out for me.

                                         In the dream, we had a conversation; she was elegantly dressed in plaid, just like above, and she revealed to me that she was my aunt!

                                          I should be so lucky!!!!  None of my aunts--some of whom were my favorite relations!!!!--ever looked like Lauren Bacall!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Not even close!

                                           I think this was a sign from On High.  Having been going through a rough emotional patch, recently--but not with my beloved; never; you can believe that!!!!-- I think, once she passed on, Mary told Lauren to keep an occasional eye on me!  Which is what I believe she was doing.  She was telling me to persevere.  I appreciate the support.

                                            Is Lauren Bacall my actual aunt?  I think that would be pretty amazing to suddenly find that out, after all these years!  I cannot imagine a family connection.  There were no Perskes on either side.  And none of us were Jewish.

                                             I feel honored having had Lauren visit, and I thank both her and Mary both! They will keep me going, in my time of need!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             And, remember, girls, if you have no "spiritual aunts," you can always reach me on here, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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