Saturday, August 16, 2014

"I'm From Missouri?" Not Something To Be Proud Of These Days, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Missouri used to be such a state to take pride in, darlings!  Actress Ermadean Walters, who played Marie Soubirous in "The Song Of Bernadette," was born in St. Joseph.  Henry Bellamann derided his home town of Fulton, in his bucolic and psychologically disturbing novel, "King's Row."  And, who of us, girls, can forget the perfection of "Meet Me In St. Louis," that gave a perfection to that city, and Missouri that could only be realized collectively by MGM, Judy Garland, Vincente Minnelli, and, of course, Margaret O'Brien!!!!!!!!!!!

                           But that was then, this is now!  After the shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown last Saturday morning, by Officer Darren Wilson, (looking real good as a BOTW candidate, girls) I am afraid to set foot in Missouri, let alone deal with law enforcement.

                            OK, even if the kid was a robbery suspect, even if he resisted arrest--and I have no idea what that means; did he point any weapon, like a gun, pipe or bat, at Wilson?????--is that any reason for a person to be shot?  It makes me fearful, not only of Missouri, but even my town, New York!!!!!!!  If I so much as disagree with an officer, am I going to become target practice?  And since when does carrying a gun give a person, law enforcement or not, the right to shoot someone, on a whim?  Which is what I believe happened with Michael Brown.  Too many cops are so trigger happy their gun usage should be limited to community theater productions of "Annie Get Your Gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  How many more Black kids have to die?  Thar said, who says it is going to stop at Black kids?  What about other disenfranchised communities--Hispanics, gays, lesbians, the various types  of Asians--will the eventually become fodder for this legally sanctioned, "Hunger Games, " like violence???????????????

                            I hope not!  I would love to hear Joan Rivers on all this.  I am sure she would right to the  point??????????

                            Remember when Joan used to talk about her "high school classmate," that tramp, Heidi Abromowitz???????????  She dissed her deep, but she never raised a finger to her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Let's all  take a lesson, from Joan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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