Saturday, August 16, 2014

Deconstruction # 7--Larry Kert and Carol Lawrence Singing "Tonight" From "West Side Story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                         When you talk about great musical theater songs dealing with romantic attraction, two are so neck-in-neck, it is hard for many to choose.  They are "If I Loved You," from "Carousel," and "Tonight" from "West Side Story."

                             How does one winnow the best from the best????????  It is not easy, but I am going to go out on a limb, and say that while both are indisputably great, "Tonight" has the edge.  Here is why.

                              "West Side Story" is a show about young people, and, for many young people drawn to Musical Theater, it is the show that draws them.  For me, the celebrated photo above was instantly an iconic image that stood for something Manhattan was, and, for many Summers, when I was younger and sprightlier, girls, I would march down to West 56th Street--the area is still standing--and do my Carol Lawrence run, which made me feel like Carol, even if I was not wearing that now iconic dress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  As for "Tonight," as a song, it is, for me the litmus test that determines if any production of "West Side Story" is going to work.  As the strings build, and Tony and Maria get to "Always you, every thought I'll ever know...." to where their voices blend with "All the world is only you and me," when the strings soar then fall back, allowing us to fly into the magical stratosphere of their romantic world--a moment that always sends chills down my back on the cast album--if the chills are there, I know the show is working.  But to anyone undertaking this show, I say to you, if this moment fails to deliver, you've not only got trouble on your hands, you've lost your audience.

                                 From the opening strings to the mounting underscoring, tensions rise, as though the music were in syncopation with Tony's and Maria's rising hormones, attracting them to each other.  Which makes the song so iconic,, and gives it the edge--it pulsates with sexual tension like no other musical theater song ever written!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Just listen to this, darlings!  Larry Kert and Carol Lawrence, still in their twenties, remain the Gold Standard for this song.  I regret this excerpt does not feature that incredible lead-in, but keep your eyes on these performers' passions--generated both by their characterizations, and their vocal connection to material they realize is a once-in-lifetime assignment to be handed to them!   No matter how may timed I watch this, the tears still come!

                                   Find me such artistic passion today,  dolls!  Maybe if we get that revival of "RAGS," with Jessie Mueller, but not before!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    "Tonight" is truly a singular treasure of Musical Theater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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