Friday, August 8, 2014

Guess What Celia Is Doing Next, Girls???????????????????????

                        Celia Keenan-Bolger, as I said she would, is following that dramatic track.  Which doesn't mean she will never do a musical again--I certainly hope not!!!!--but now that she's proven herself with Laura in "The Glass Menagerie," followed by a spectacular guest appearance on "Law And Order SVU," this young lady is now exercising her distinctive acting chops.  I cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Added to that, she is doing this at Lincoln Center, which, for those of us whose lives revolve around  that place, her arrival will be comparable to the coronation of a queen--a genuine one, rather than those faux twink actor types, or those older things that take up rooms on bar stools in the evening at Boots And Saddle, or Julius, because they are such losers!   Let me tell you something about those places, girls!  If you can stand up, and use the bathroom, if needed, by all means, go in!  But don't ever sit down!  Because, if you do, you will either have to get rid of your undies, or boil them to the max!  Ugggggggggh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       But back to Celia.  She will be starring in Sarah Ruhl's (a distinctly more contemporary playwright than Tennessee Williams; another wise choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) play "The Oldest Boy."  It is to begin previews at the Mitzi E. Newhouse Theatre at Lincoln Center (just downstairs from the Beaumont, darlings, and it is small and intimate, which means plenty of viewing space for watching Celia exercise her craft!!!!!!!!!!) The director is Rebecca Taichman, whom I never heard of, but if she is smart enough to use Celia, the results will be outstanding!!!!!!!!!!   And then maybe she will win that TONY Award she is long overdue for.

                       Her  role in "The Oldest Boy" is that of the mother of a young child thought to be the reincarnation of an esteemed Buddhist teacher.  As a play, I cannot judge, not having seen any of Ruhl's work, but knowing Celia's gifts as an actress, she alone will make this special.

                         Celia is on her journey, and I wish her well!  I cannot wait to see the results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          And all us Theater Queens will be on hand to see Her Actual Highness, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

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