Monday, August 11, 2014

Happy Birthday, Baby Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                It was a day having been planned for, since a cold Winter's day in January. We decided, back then, to have a 10th Birthday Party for Baby Gojira, and to do it sometime in August, because it was during the Summer of 2004 that I first acquired him. Whether it was in August, I cannot recall, but we figured that was good month, but I know it was during the Summer.

                                  At that time, the Film Forum, to commemorate the film's then 50th Anniversary, decided to show, for the first time widely in this country, the original, Japanese speaking, minus Raymond Burr version of Ishiro Honda's 1954 masterpiece, "Godzilla," or, as it is more correctly called, "Gojira." It
was shown at the Film Forum, earlier this year, to mark its now 60th Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   It was a revelation. Having grown up with the film on TV, with Raymond Burr, and seeing the film in its actual, constituted form, was striking.  The opening sequence was different, the scenes with Burr, even to my child's eye, looked somehow artificial, or re-edited, and, without the hackneyed voice over narration, sequences such as Gojira's arrival by night on Odo Island, had a genuine terror that was lacking before, with Burr's toneless voice droning on.  The film was finally allowed to speak for itself  Which it did.

                                   The day I went, I actually took the day off, because I wanted to be at the first screening, on the first day, and I was. What I did not expect to  find in the audience, were a group of 30-plus Mama's Boys, the kind who still live at home, holding their plastic dolls--Morthra, Gojira, Ghidrah, Rodan, and comparing to each other over whose was better!  What kind of world had I stumbled into?  I just wanted to see this classic film.

                                      I did, and when the film was over, I saw, at the concession stand that little Baby Gojiras were being sold. They were stuffed, furry and cuddly, and about 6.5 inches tall, but looking like the creature in every way, complete with the famous spikes and tail.  I thought a lot was being asked for him, at the time--$15--but I thought since he was so cute (he had such a happy demeanor on his face) I knew he would be a good investiment. The minute I held him, I knew love, and I took him home with me, where he
became a part of my life, and as that blended with that of my beloved, ours.

                                       I am happy to report the party was a success. A grand total of 16 people all came to pay homage to our beloved Baby Gojira, who was so fashionably dressed in a sun bonnet, and pink Mary Jane shoes, standing in for Cha Cha Heels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People brought wonderful cards and gifts, and from the Little Cupcake Shop in Bay Ridge, we had the most divine Coconut Cloud Birthday Cake, with "Happy 10th Birthday, Baby Gojira," written on it.  Everyone had a piece, after dining on brunch at the Greenhouse Cafe, on Third Avenue and 77th Street in our neighborhood of Bay Ridge, where the food was divine; my broccoli quiche was light and flaky, the salad light, and the Bloody Mary took the edge off.  A good time was had by all.

                                       In fact, it all helped to ameliorate what had turned out to be a very difficult past week.  Kudos to Baby Gojira, and may we all be here together, discussing the same, on the morning of his 20th birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Sayonara, (for now!) dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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