Monday, August 11, 2014

Welcome, Readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       My, my The Raving Queen followers keep growing--which certainly makes me happy.  The very recent arrival of two new readers, Leigh Anne and Chappelle, makes me realize it was high time I extended personal welcomes to readers new to here.  And belated ones to all my previous and faithful.  How could I be so neglectful in my duties as hostess, darlings???????  I, who pride myself on having the social acumen of Babe Paley!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          So, from now on, whenever a new reader shows up, this symbol will appear.  A beacon of welcome, but I especially like the childlike, poetic quality of the the imagery.  The combination of the colors, the smiling, yellow faces, and stars, somehow reminds me of the Eugene Field poem, "Wynken, Blynken, And Nod," a sort of nice, gentle way to ease one into the world of The Raving Queen, which can from haute couture  to David Lynch at a moment's notice!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           So, welcome on board, Leigh Anne and Chappelle!  Life may not be a cabaret, but I will try to make it such!!!!!!!!!!!


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