Friday, August 29, 2014

Let's Send Our Best Wishes To Joan, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Girls, I am telling you, it should never have happened.  Joan Rivers, whom we all just love, was getting a routine throat surgical procedure, when she stopped breathing, and was rushed to Mount Sinai Hospital, having gone into cardiac arrest and a medically induced coma.

                                At 81, Joan is a fighter, but we are all standing by, with thoughts and prayers, for she and Melissa, and grandson Cooper, who have the most special relationship with Joan there is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  If we lose Joan, it will be a tragedy.

                                   Gojira, that lovable reptile, has peeked in through the window, to give Joan a tender get well kiss.  I understand he is going to head to Sister Camille's convent out in Glendale, LI, where he will wear his nun habit, and the two will say a Rosary Novena for Joan!  Hey, help comes from where it does!!!!!!!!!

                                    And, of course, I will keep you posted of any developments, on here!

                                    Joan was the one sure thing that could always get me to laugh. That, and the 1938 movie, "Bringing Up Baby," with Katherine Hepburn, and Cary Grant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     If Joan should depart, I guess it is up to me to talk about rotten, miserable tramps!
I've known my share!

                                       And not all of them were gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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