Sunday, August 31, 2014

Something To Look Forward To, This October, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         This being the last day of August, October will be here, sooner than we think!

                          Remember "The Conjuring," last year, darlings?????????  Where Lili Taylor, that former A-list actress, goes flying through the air, arms and legs splayed, hair flying, tongue practically hanging out, in one of the greatest displays of career humiliation I have ever seen?  She was supposed to have been possessed by an supernatural entity, but I think she was more upset about what her career has come to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Anyway, the opening sequences of this film, which  were actually the best, centered on a haunted doll, named Annabelle.  When we came out of "The Conjuring," I said to my beloved, and to my girls on here, that Annabelle should get her own movie!!!!!

                            Well, someone must have read or heard me, darlings, because she is!!!!!!!!!!!!  The movie, entitled "Annabelle," will be released on October 3.  It centers on what happened prior to "The Conjuring," so it is a prequel, meaning Lili and Company will not be in this one!  Instead, we get to see what kind of psychological damage Annabelle, who is possessed of a malevolent entity, can do.

                             I mean, just look at that face!!!!!!!  It just creeps me out!!!!  I cannot wait to see all of my girls, at the opening of "Annabelle," on October 3!!!!!!  It will one of the key events of the Fall Season!!!!!

                              Be there, or be square, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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