Friday, August 22, 2014

We Haven't Talked About This Week's "Rizzoli And Isles," Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   What with all that has been going on this week, darlings, there hasn't been a chance to discuss the recent "Rizzoli And Isles!"   This past episode, on Tuesday, was aptly entitled "Phoenix Rising," though the reason for the title was not made clear, till well near the end.  When I heard they were going to examine a cold case, I thought maybe they are trying to go a bit in the direction of that now classic former crime series.   And the opening sequence did start in what was the past, though that really was not made clear.

                                In the opening scene, someone is seen dousing a house, and setting it afire.  There is a woman and two children in the house, but the boy manages to slide down a tree outside his bedroom window, and survive.

                               The house belonged to the Sullivan family, and its patriarch, Rick, was convicted of the crime, and given a Life sentence.

                                 Now, let's get to the present.  For starters, Jane is still laid up, at Maura's house, with doting mother Angela, and is chomping at the bit to get back to work.  I still cannot believe how calm and level headed Janie is, over having had a miscarriage, and lost what is probably her last chance to have a child!!!!!!!!!!!  Is she just shut down, too, or what?  Hopefully, she will register some emotion, before the season ends.  And she has not even told Casey, the child's father!!!!  When is she going to do that??????????

                               Meanwhile, Lieutenant Korsak has been summoned by imprisoned Rick Sullivan to his prison cell, and asked a favor.  Sullivan still maintains his innocence, and asks Korsak, for his son, Jason's sake, to look into the case, re-examine it, and see if he isn't wrong.  Jason and Rick have been estranged; thinking his father guilty, Jason understandably views him as a monster.  Rick wants to reconcile with Jason.

                                 Korsak agrees.  When he goes to Jason, the grown man, with a wife and family of his own now, turns a blind ear, but says if he can find anything to prove he was wrong about his father, he will consider it.  Meanwhile, Jane is ordered by company policy, not to go back to the office, but she finds ways to work around that, and works on the case.  What they discover leads to what I consider is ultimately an anti-climax.

                               First, it is discovered Sullivan's wife was having an affair; their marriage was rocky.  So maybe the boyfriend did this as a way of not being able to have her.  A fatal attraction, if you will.  But that theory pans out.  Know what the answer turns out to be?

                               It seemed almost contrived.  The Sullivans lived next door to a shady character, who not only drove the same sort of vehicle Rick drove, right down to the color, but was, among other things, a meth dealer, who sold to a local gang.  But something went amiss with this relationship. so, when the team tracks down the former gang leader, who is himself incarcerated, it is discovered that a hit man was sent to destroy the dealer's house--but, with similar cars, the assailant hit the wrong house!  Even the gang leader is sorry and upset about that one, proving some criminals have a heart somewhere.   The whole thing just seemed a cop out to me, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!  I was outraged, the other day!  Couldn't the writers have come up with something better?????????????????

                               Meanwhile, Jane is so happy as a clam to be back at work, you'd think she had never been pregnant, let alone lost the baby!!!  What is that all about, I wonder?  Best of all, there is some hope--or at least, it is hope I want to see--that Frankie may be being phased out.  Maura has been working more closely with Korsak lately, and we have seen Frankie less and less in recent episodes!!!!!!!!!!  So, I wonder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              About the time the writers made a correct judgement!  But Jane and Maura still rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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