Thursday, August 21, 2014

Simple And Unexpected Acts Of Kindness Are Always The Best, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             It is times like these when I am sure God is watching over me.

                              Yesterday, I had just gotten off the Times Square subway stop, en route to work, when I discovered I had no Altoids.  So, I stopped at the little newsstand, near the stairs where the subway lines change and branch out.  The booth was occupied by a guy I had never seen before. I found the small box of Altoids I always buy, and went to pay for them. The guy gave me change--but he also, for reasons I cannot explain, gave me a free box, insisting I take it.  Now, isn't that something?

                                 At work, someone with whom I was not on really good terms, held out an olive branch, by offering me a British horror film magazine, which I had been unfamiliar with.  Who would have thought?

                                   Best of all, this morning, as we passed the house of our beloved canine friend Cujo (real names--Ares!) we saw the terrace door open. and people in a car. Could Cujo have returned?

                                    He hadn't fully returned; but we saw him.  Apparently, one of the owners had come home to check the house and mail, and were heading back to their vacation spot, with Cujo.  We asked if he was all right, and lo and behold, there he was in the first floor hallway, behind a gate, but fully visible!  When I called out, "Hi, Cujo, I've missed you," he answered in a hearty bark!!!!!!!!!!  Isn't that the sweetest, girls?????  Letting us know he misses us, and that he will be back soon!  I cannot wait to give him a hug!!!!!!!!!

                                      All random and unexpected!  The best acts of kindness out there!

                                       Someone is definitely watching over me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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