Thursday, August 21, 2014

When I Think Of These Two Bitches, I Think Of The Opening Sequence Of Mario Bava's "Black Sunday!"

                         Stephen Howells and Nicole Vaisey both deserve what happens in that film--to be tied to posts, their face covered with an Iron Maiden mask that disfigures them. their bare backs branded with the mark of Satan, and then their bodies burned at the stake.  Just like Barbara Steele as Asa Vajda!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           These two abducted two Amish girls from upper New York State on Wednesday, August 13, while they were selling vegetables near the family home.  Now, I could get into the whole where-are-the-parents?-scenario, here, but I am more interested in branding these two winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award for the Creatures From Hell they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             You look at them, and you know they are scum!  That Nicole Vaisey!   Butter would not melt in her mouth. As soon as both were caught, Friday, she was screaming about how she was the slave in their relationship, and she was made to submit all the time.  Yeah, right, Nicole!  Cry me a river!  Crocodile tears just to try and get you off.

                               I bet you are just as vicious as that Myra Hindley!!!!!!!!!!!   I bet it was your idea to abduct the girls!!!!!!!!!!!  And don't give me this submissive routine; both of you are so fat you make routine trips to the grocery store, even if it is just for beer and Doritos!!!!!!!!!!!  You can't tell me Stephen did not let you do the shopping.  He doesn't look forward thinking or work inclined, to me!  A real sexist pig!!!!!!!!!!!
And a sick perv!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Sexually abusing two innocent children, and traumatizing them for life!
You will pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   And  here is what happens to people like you! Here is the brilliant opening of
"Black Sunday," in all its black-and-white glory!  If the flames don't get you two on earth, they certainly will get you in the Beyond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Remember, flames are not just for flaming queens, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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