Sunday, September 14, 2014

Attacked By A Creature From Hell---Her Own Husband!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Remember the movie poster, for the 1950s Roger Corman sci-fi classic "The Day The World Ended????"  Here it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And as you can see, it used those exact words--Attacked By A Creature From Hell.  But, let me tell you something, girls, when Denise Leuthold was murdered in her parents' home on Valentine's Day of 2013, I realized she would have been a ot safer  with the  three-eyed monster from Venus.  At least, then, she would have had an idea of what she was up against!!!!!!  How could Denise know the monster was in her own house--her husband???????????

      Let me tell you something, girls, as I watched Denise and Nathan's story play out, I could tell things were not right, from the start.  You have to watch out for these types from zealous religious families.  

Sweethearts from the third grade; he was on the basketball team, she was a cheerleader, never actually dating or laying a hand on each other--isn't this just too nauseating????  And when they finally did get married, what did Nathan want to do, but be some sort of Christian missionary in--of all places--Lithuania????????

So, he and Denise keep having one kid after the other, ending up, with, I think, four.  And who knows how many more, if Denise hadn't been murdered???????? At first everyone thought it was a break in gone wrong, too carefully staged, and the husband evasive in his answers, they knew something was up. and I did, too.  I knew Nathan did it, but I figured it was the old Life Insurance policy ploy.  Instead it was that other Eternal Motive--sex!!!!!!!!!!

During one of their forays to Lithuania, the Leutholds got involved with some 21-year-old exchange student chippy, whom they sponsored to have her study in the United States!  Shee  lived with them, in Denise's parents' house!  At some point, behind backs, Nathan and this chippy became involved.  Let me tell you, girls; Nathan was not much to look at, and neither was she.  Denise, while no  Blythe Danner, was far prettier.  But his dumb cluck murdered his wife, waiting for her and executing her with a shotgun, to be with his tramp mistress, who, I bet, was not  so much hot for him, as for American citizenship and suburban affluence!!!  You better believe it, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know if the tramp got convicted.  I do know she lied about having a sexual relationship with Nathan.  While Nathan lied about his guilt, proclaimed his innocence, despite evidence to the contrary!!!!!!!!

             What a selfish bastard!  Killing someone he has known since childhood, and robbing his children of their mother.  Did he think that tramp would raise them???  Hopefully, Denise's parents, and not Nathan's sister, whom I would never trust, are raising those children now!

Because no ones going to raise those children, except Denise's parents, as I wouldn't trust her with them.   And no one is going to see Nathan now!  Not after getting an 80 year prison sentence!!!!!!!!!!

There is an old theatrical saying--"Will it play in Peoria???"  It sure did, and this town has had too much drama than it needs.

Denise did not deserve to be executed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But Nathan does!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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