Monday, September 15, 2014

Frankly, I Prefer "Noises Off," Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             This is one of Don Delillo's signature books, so I had always planned on reading it. But, after having read, and been simply blown away, by his epic masterwork, "Underworld," I turned out to be sadly disappointed by "White Noise."

                               There is a whole school of writers--Delillo, Jonathan Franzen and David Foster Wallace--who influenced each other, often writing on the same ideas and themes.  "White Noise" reminded me so much of David Foster Wallace's debut novel, "The Broom Of The System," which I just loved.  It kicked around many of the ideas here, but did so in a way that convincingly joined narrative and philosophy together.

                                  "White Noise" does not do this.  Whole sections seem to be separate entities, and I was fully expecting Mr. Gray to turn out to be Jack's friend, Murray.  Which might have made for a more interesting climax.

                                       There was one phrase used that I just loved--"the suicide of technology."  I agree with this, even though I am using technology now to convey my thoughts.  But where the suicide comes in is that there are so many people who believe in the validity of  anything technological, that, were it all to vanish tomorrow, there would be many who could not cope with their lives, and might commit suicide.  I hope this doesn't include the elimination of automatic coffee makers, though I am sure I would find a way to get my coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I was with Delillo on many points in his novel.  I just did not care for how he presented them.

                                         Still, for readers of this author, and/or serious literature  in general, "White Noise" is a necessity.

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