Sunday, September 28, 2014

Can You Believe It, Girls??????????????? We Have Another Reader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      This is absolutely amazing, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!  It seems like only yesterday, I got a new reader, when now I have another.  I cannot tell who the New Reader is, but to them , I want to bid welcome--to this page, and the crazy, often harried world of the Raving Queen!  Goes great with morning coffee, let me tell you!

                       Sorry, I haven't been on here of late, but I have been busy rereading "Harvest Home," which I will have plenty to say about!  And October begins this week, so watch out for Tricks and Treats!!!!!!!!!!!

                         So, let us welcome another reader to The raving Queen.  Read, but feel free to drop in, and comment!


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