Sunday, September 28, 2014

Happy Seafood Restaurant, Indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              This is where I was dragged to last night, girls!  In a neighborhood that made Goat Alley seem high class!   And you should have seen the tramps walking down the streets, at night!  Vaseline Alley, I am telling you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                The restaurant was more a clip joint, than serving place, with rolling tables, and waiters banging them, which frazzled my already delicate nerves.  Nothing was what I am accustomed to, in a Chinese restaurant; there was not even Moo Shu Pork, on the menu!!!!!!!!!!   What would Liza have done?????????

                                  The Hot and Sour soup opened up my sinuses, but wasn't what I was used to, or served in the kind of bowl to which I am accustomed.  I am a Creature Of Habit, remember!!!!!!!  The Orange Chicken was not crunchy enough, nor did I see those spicy orange bits garnishing them.  What kind of joint is this?

                                   Well, I will tell you.  The kind where whole families are living in the kitchen.  As we left the restaurant, going on 10PM-- I ate dinner so late last night my blood levels were all out of whack, darlings, and so was I!!!!!!!!!!--I could see them clearing the room.  I know what was going on.  The main dining room would become a screening room, where they would run the weekly screening of Bernardo Bertolucci's 1987 "The Last Emperor," while, behind the scenes, they  run a Licky Licky Joint!  You better believe it, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      It may be called the Happy Seafood Restaurant, but that is a misnomer.  There may be happiness, but not on account of the food!

                                        It should be called the Happy Endings, or Ho Chi Minh Endings, Restaurant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Licky Licky, indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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