Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Good News For Those Of Us Who Love Joan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Someone out there must be listening to me, girls, because after my morning post, blasting most of Broadway for not dimming its lights in honor of Joan Rivers, I just now found out that that decision has been reversed.  Tonight, ALL the lights on Broadway, at 6:45PM, will dim, in honor of the passing of our much beloved Joan.  Don't mess with the Raving Queen when he is pissed!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 As I was this morning, when I heard only five theaters would do this. But now that all of Broadway is on board, we can be proud of the decision to honor Joan.  It was an honor to share the gift of laughter she gave us in our lifetime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Dimming the lights is the only right thing to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  And I haven't forgotten about Victoria Mallory yet, either, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hey, do you have an email address? I couldn't find one anywhere on your blog. I have a question for you regarding one of your past posts. My email is ps3921126@gmail.com.


  2. Hi, PS--

    You can always ask on here; I leave this as an open forum. However, you should be able to reach me at
    hearnmichael375@gmail.com. If I don't hear from you in a few days, I wil use the email address you provided. I am curious about what you want to ask, and which post you are referring to!
