Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A Thought For Mid-Week, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             "I left Garden City, Kansas, with a ticket, and a yen
                                                 to see New York.
                                               I typed eighty words a minute, so your corporation
                                                  let me go to work.
                                               I fetch paper clips and coffee, even help you dodge
                                                  your domineering wife.
                                                Mr. Walker, it's all over, I don't like the New York
                                                   secretary's life."

                                                 --"Mr. Walker, It's All Over," by Billie Jo Spears,

                                      Girls, remember the scene right before the pivotal Christmas sequence,
in John Waters' "Female Trouble???????"  The Davenports are cheerfully gathered under the tree in their
night clothes, and Mrs. Davenport cheerfully chirps, upstairs, "Dawn!  Come see what Santa brought."

                                         Then we cut to a shot of Dawn, in green baby doll pajamas, getting
out of bed.  Rollers and toilet paper are wrapped around her head, which she undoes, saying,
"Christ, I'm coming." and, of course, muttering about how she better get those Cha-Cha Heels!!!!!!!!

                                           By mid-week, girls, when the alarm goes off, this is how I feel.  "Christ, I'm coming!"  Then we get to the office, and have to exchange comfy shoes for heels.  Girls need freedom, darlings.

                                             You know what heels do to my feet?  It's like I have been dancing en pointe for the past twenty years!  At least I'd have something to show for, had that been the case!

                                               So, when I get this way, I think about, and sing, Billie Jo Spears'
1969 hit, "Mr. Walker, It's All Over."  I have been singing it a lot lately, which indicates I am getting pretty fed up with the Mr. Walkers in my life!  And would love to sing that song to them!  Which I will do someday, looking like Angela Cartwright during her "Sound Of Music" period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  I am sure many of my girls feel this way, at times!  So, I have something to share with you.  Here is Billie Jo singing the hit she made famous!

                                                   Remember girls, it might be over for Mr. Walker, but it sure isn't over, for us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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