Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Don't You Start Trying To Compete With Me, Mr. Seth Rudetsky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Get off my turf, Seth, darling!  I was prowling Broadway backstage alleys, when you were in three cornered pants!  I knew who Donna McKechnie was before you ever took your first baby steps.  And now you think you are going to out do ME, The Raving Queen, with this so-called "Broadway Diary?"

                                       Will it include your musical deconstructions, Seth?  Why don't you just self-destruct, darling????????  There has been so much you have neglected, and, while I have been neglectful of late, myself, with deconstructions, I promise to get my next one out, sometime this week.

                                          The nerve of some people!  Don't  they know I cannot be undermined???????  Will I read Seth's book?  I might, just to see what kind of stuff he is writing, but if you think you can take his stuff seriously, unlike what is said on here, then you need to read more of this blog.

                                            The book comes out October 22. In the words of Margaret Hamilton in "The Wizard Of Oz," I will send a little insect on ahead, to buy me a copy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           But don't kid yourself, Seth!!!!!!!!!!  I was here first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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