Thursday, September 11, 2014

Darlings, Can You Believe It Has Been 13 Years??????????????????????????

                          To think thirteen years have passed since that benchmark day in 2001, which altered both life in this city, and air travel, forever.  I still recall that Tuesday morning, the sun shining, coming out of the subway at West 14h Street and Seventh Avenue, on my way to therapy, and ultimately discovering, and witnessing the horror of what happened.  I actually saw the second tower crumble before my very eyes; something I will never forget.

                           It changed things forever. But in the ensuing years some good things came along, most importantly my beloved and a return to Bay Ridge, where we see our beloved Cujo.  He was not out this morning, but gave a hearty "Woof!"  Cujo was born after the attacks, but he is socially conscious, so he was probably inside before his high definition TV, watching all the media coverage.
He could even be a mascot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Another September 11.  My wish for you all is a most peaceful day, and that we never be subjected to such evil again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Shine Those Lights, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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