Thursday, September 11, 2014

Castrate This Bitch, And Then Stuff His Balls In His Mouth, So He Chokes On His Own Self-Righteousness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Pastor Mark Driscoll, I swear, breaks new ground, when it comes to overt sexism.  This week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award--it was close this week, with another contender, but I discovered Mark first, so here he is!!!!!!!!!!

                           Driscoll is pastor of some kind of bogus religious operation called the Mars Hills locations, which has satellite locations all over the place. Several of those locales--in Seattle, University of Washington, Phoenix, Arizona,  and Huntington Beach, CA--are being asked to shut down.  Whether money laundering is involved has yet to be determined, but what is certain is the responsibility lies more with the words coming out of Driscoll's mouth.

                              Now, take a look at this photo. This is Driscoll demonstrating how "real men" should dress.  Oh, yeah?  In Mickey Mouse T-shirts?  That is real butch and real mature--oh, yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Just from his photo and stance, you can glean his views on gay rights.  Nothing surprising there.  But how about this, darlings??????????

                                According to Driscoll, the most important thing to a man is his penis!  This is not a joke!  The penis is something God has loaned man, and its job is to find a home, and that means within a woman's vaginal cavity!!!!!!!!!!!   A hand, a pump, whatever, doesn't count. It makes the penis among the homeless.

                                  Now, if I were writing this as fiction, you might laugh, thinking I was doing some sort of social satire.  But I couldn't be more serious; this is what Driscoll truly espouses.  Hey, Mark, how many "condos" does your penis live in?????????????  Hmmmmmmmmmmmm?????????????

                                    What makes Mark perfect as Bitch Of The Week is his typical stance.  The so-called religious zealot, who uses his false beliefs to justify not only his own male sexual hypocrisy, but to make it OK for the men of his following.  Women who follow---and what woman in her right mind would?????--have nothing to say in the matter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Driscoll may call this religion; I call it bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        And they had the nerve to criticize Bernadette, just because she saw the Virgin at the Grotto of Massabielle???????????????????

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