Thursday, September 11, 2014

Poor Liza!!!!!!!!!!!!! She Just Can't Seem To Get An Even Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           It's bad enough looking the way she does now, not having the voice she once did, and going through hip and knee replacements.  Though Liza has outlived her mother, Judy Garland by more than two decades, as the phrase goes,she has been down so long, it must look like up to her.

                            Scheduled to attend Joan Rivers' funeral this past Sunday, (which no one even THOUGHT of inviting me to, darlings; can  you believe it??????????) she had to forego that honor, because she had broken  her back, and now she is going to be facing surgery.

                            This is bad enough. But the real story is WHY Liza broke her back, which you will only hear here, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Liza has just never gotten over playing Sally Bowles in the 1972 film version of "Cabaret."  That was 42 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!  You know how old I was when I saw this?????????? Seventeen!!!!!!!!!!!!  That  is right!

                                Because Liza has never gotten over the role, she cannot be stopped from compulsively standing on chairs, trying to do her big number "Bye Bye, Mein Lieber Herr!!!!!!!!!!"  And, of course, every time she attempts this there is some kind of bodily injury, because the chair breaks, due to the weight of her body!!!!!!!  This time, she broke her back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Why can't Liza just give it up??????????  She's never going to be able to do that number again, and, at 68, she should not be expected to.  Let her impersonator, Christine Pedi, take over that phase of her career in her impersonations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Liza may love Lady GaGa, but I think the problem is she feels she has to compete with her!!!!!!!!!!  Let it go, Liza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Your girls still love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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