Saturday, September 20, 2014

Have You Read This, Girls??????????????????

                        When I came upon this book, darlings, at my local library, I knew it would provide me the light reading experience I so desperately needed. I also knew there was something familiar about the author's name, and, when I perused the list of his other writings, I discovered I had read at least one of his books, " A Murder On The Appian Way," which was set in Ancient Rome!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            This is a contemporary suspense mystery/ psycho thriller, set in Amethyst, Texas. Rue Dunwitty, a young career woman working in San Francisco, returns to her quaint home town for a quiet visit with her ailing Grandmother, when she discovers, from the time she says a photo of a missing girl in the window, with the chilling title question, that all is not right in this town where she once felt safe.

                            Saylor knows how to work present day suspense, and set up the red herrings.  There are at least four people in this book one might suspect to be the killer, and I did not get it on the first try.  Which says a lot for Saylor's skill, and that disappointing movie, "The Calling."  I figured that one out in the first twenty minutes.

                               This novel cries out to be filmed, and I have the cast.  Amy Adams as Rue, Ellen Burstyn as the Grandmother, Ed Harris as Emmett Dunwitty, Rue's father, Jake Gyllenhaal as Dylan, Rue's co-worker and potential boyfriend from San Francisco.  Kiefer Sutherland as Rue's bad boy brother, Reg, is a natural.  But two roles pose problems--Dwayne Frady, Dawn's Brother, and Justin Goodbody.  Javier Bardem would be perfect for Justin, but he has been there, done that, and would give the whole thing away.   Someone big, brawny and hot, but who is out there, girls??????  If you think of anyone, please tell me.  Dennis Quaid,(if he is still looking good!!!!!) maybe??????????

                                 I had so much fun with this book, the next time I need this kind of reading, I am going to reach for Steven Saylor.  You should, too, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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