Friday, September 19, 2014

Those Brazen Deer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                   Now, girls, first I have to apologize!  First, from being away from here, and, second, no Bitch Of The Week this week!  How often does that happen??????????????

                   I was on a trip to suburban Pennsylvania--good ole PA--and just got back, yesterday!  I was emotionally fraught, having to contend with a number of matters, involving my elder father, but let me tell you, dolls, it is nothing compared to the brazenness of those deer out there!!!!!!!!!!

                   Now, I know we all grew up loving Dasher and Dancer, etc,.....all the way up to Rudolph.  We all cried at "Bambi," and, some, like myself, cried at "The Yearling."  But after yesterday, it became apparent to me that deer are as nasty as a couple of 1950s bitches, fighting for a prime table, at The Colony Club!!!!!!!!!!!!

                   Such cheek and impunity!!!!!!!!!  As you know, our lovable reptile friend, Gojira, always travels with us for protection.  He sets up a nice space for himself among the trees in my sister's front yard, and never causes an ounce of trouble!  He is so sweet!

                   Well, yesterday morning, as we were arising early to catch an early bus back to NYC, my beloved said Gojira woke him up, because he was miffed--so much so, he was packing already, hurrying us to get back to the city!!!!!!!!!!!  It seems that he was awakened by these brazen deer nibbling on his tail, and it was painful!  Can you imagine???????  Having the gall to nip on Gojira's tail????????  Gojira was in so much discomfort, when he got back to civilized Bay Ridge, he had to put soothing Estee Lauder cream on his tail!  The cheek!  But wait, there is more!

                    While we were breakfasting in my sister's kitchen, a deer suddenly appears in the yard, and without any ado, begins munching on anything it pleased.  My sister is yelling, banging on the window; the deer looks up, practically turns his nose up at her, and went on with his business!!!!!!!!!!  Have you ever seen such crassness???????  Even New York City's rats have a little more decorum!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       When we left to go get the bus, that deer was still out there, and still at it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So cute, but so nasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        No wonder we were glad to get back to the city!  This was no Disney fantasy, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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