Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Let Me Tell You, Girls, Truer Words Were Never Spoken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     The advice is pretty self-explanatory, but with bitches on the rise these days, it may become harder and harder to spot one.  The Entitlement Queens make it easy by their outward behavior, which makes others in their path want to slap them silly.  Much harder to recognize is the Miss Butter Wouldn't Melt In Her Mouth Variety, who can be so sweet and accommodating,  one has no idea what they are dealing with, until it is too late. Not unlike a Black Widow Spider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Of course, if you decide to fight fire with fire by becoming a bitch yourself, then who is going to trust you? It is a slippery slope, darlings, and very hard to navigate.  The best way to deal with it all is to trust your instincts, and simply avoid those who "rub you the wrong way."  If they do, it is for a reason, which only you can know, or figure out, and once that is done, you will realize why staying away from said individual is the best thing.

                        I love how this poster adopts all across the Bitch Spectrum.  But don't make the mistake of thinking all bitches are created equal, because they are not.  Or, at least, they feel that way.

                         Which is why they are bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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