Tuesday, September 23, 2014

I Support The Opera Protesters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Poor Lincoln Center!  They've taken it in the mouth so many times, girls, one should feel sorry for them!  Only this time, I don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            You cannot mix Art and Capitalism!  You cannot mix artistic types with corporate ones.  Believe  me, I know!

                              Dahlings, I looooooooof arteeeeeeeeeeeeeestic freedom as much as the next person.  But what kind of administrators are holding the reigns when, amidst a time when key world places, including the city of New York, are potential terrorist targets,  you offer up, as the season's coup, a story about a disabled man being tossed overboard a ship in a wheelchair, powerless to do anything to save himself--and the terrorists know this?????????????

                               Such is the case with the Metropolitan Opera, who, next month are offering "The Death Of Klinghoffer, by John Adams.

                                Protesters claim the presentation, and Peter Gelb's decision to let them go on, are acts of anti-Semitism. I agree.  I also feel it will incite terrorist arousal in the hearts and minds of those so inclined, and could result in a blitzkrieg of attacks; the last thing any of us needs.

                                 What is the Met trying to prove??????????  That  it is daring????????????  That it can take on controversial subjects????????  That is fine; but there still has to be an audience who wants to view it, and who would??????????  And, of course, I am advising all my girls to boycott, and, if there is another rally, as I am sure there will be as performance time grows closer, to attend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Hey, Peter Gelb, I have news for you!  If you want to reap a profit, create controversy, and still pacify those Vicious Opera Queen, commission some composer to write the Joan Crawford 1964 classic, "Strait-Jacket," as an opera!!!!!!!!!!!!   I am telling you, the "Dueling Lucys Aria" will be the most talked about scene in opera history, since the mad scene in 'Lucia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

                                       A pamphlet I was given yesterday at the rally depicted a drawing of the Met Opera building.  Atop the roof was a terrorist, about to push a man off it, in a wheelchair.  I would never suggest such a thing; however, after the Russian anti-gay backlash last season, I would say that perhaps several administrators should be pushed not off, but out, of Lincoln Center, if such horrendous decisions are being made, that have nothing to do with cultural enrichment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Push them out--NOW!!!!!!!!!  Time will tell, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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