Tuesday, September 23, 2014

This Is Even Sicker, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           I am telling you, girls, ain't nothing' but Blood Justice in Texas.  The story of what happened to Roxanne Reeves and her son, Kristopher sounds straight out of a Cormac McCarthy novel.  Forget Edna Ferber and "Giant," hons; after this one, I am steering clear  of the Lone Star State!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Roxanne was a divorced woman, raising her son as best she could.  On December 23, 1981, she had taken the day off, to celebrate what was the child's fifth birthday.  It would turn out to be his final day on Earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               What happened was, while readying for a day excursion, Kristopher was carrying a red tool box, to his mother's car, when he was approached by George Washington Hicks, who happened to be hanging out in the apartment complex where Roxanne and Kristopher lived.  No one knew the guy was a noted sex predator.  He abducted Kristopher, Roxanne saw, tried to intervene, putting them into the worst of situations.  Hicks abducted both,drove in Roxanne's car, took mother and child out on a dirty road, ten miles out of Dallas.  He raped Roxanne, then, in execution style, took out a gun, and murdered the poor mother and this innocent child.  Hell waits for this guy!  But he is not the only one, as will be revealed.

                                 When police found the bodies, they were still warm.  They missed the killer by minutes, as he escaped, running away.  People in the area claimed to hear things, saw George, and a Puerto Rican woman (who has never been identified) in the car, and out on the road.  Interesting the woman was never found.  If she even existed at all.  Which I doubt.

                                   Hicks was finally convicted, via DNA evidence, though at the time, he was already in prison in Rosharon, Texas, serving an 80 year sentence for aggravated sexual assault.  He was slapped with an additional Life Sentence for the Jeeves murders, so he is not going anywhere.

                                      Hicks was unquestionably the killer.  But there was another person, who I feel was responsible--and that was Roxanne's brother, Kurt.  He stayed with her in August of 1981, then got a place in the complex, where he was known as a drug dealer.  And yet, he made it to the Army!!!!!!!!!!  What does that tell you about our fighting forces, darlings????????????????

                                          One evening, before the murders, a Black man turned up at her place, knocked on her door, demanding to see Kurt.   Could it have been Hicks???? Many believe on the 23rd of December, Hicks went to Kurt to buy some grass, but the deal went sour, and he retaliated by killing Kurt's nephew and sister.

                                             I'm sorry; I feel Kurt was as much as responsible for the deaths of his sister and five-yer-old nephew, as Hicks.  My wish would be that their anniversary, Kristopher's birthday, just two days before Christmas, haunts him the rest of his life.  But. in a strange twist of fate, just three years later, Kurt was himself murdered, during a drug transaction.  What goes around, comes around, dolls!  Karma really IS a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             So, Justice found its way to Roxanne and Kristopher Jeeves.  But why did the life of a mother and an innocent child have to be taken, to do so??????????????



  1. Yvonne,
    You are so right!
    And eventually it finds one!
    Thanks for your comment!

  2. I agree. Karma doesn’t forget an address and there’s no need to try to run. What goes around comes around.


  3. I agree. You can outrun kamrma.
    Many think they can, but sooner or later,
    it catches up to them.

  4. Your comment on "our fighting forces" is a bit rational. Like any profession there is a bad seed. I served honorably for 15yrs and my fellow bros & sis around me were the most honorably and most sincere people I've ever been around! So before you decide to mock our Military, think before you speak, or type!


  5. Unknown,
    Believe me, I know bad seeds are
    in all professions. What I should have
    clarified is that while many admirable
    people, to whom I am beholden, serve
    our country honorably--no argument there--
    when it comes to military hierarchy, the Army
    is lowest on the totem pole. They are the
    least selective branch, and hence, will take
    almost anyone. I should have clarified that,
    in the post!


  6. Unknown,
    My sentiments, exactly!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Putting blame on her brother based solely on speculation is pretty irresponsible. But even worse than that, I'll never get the 2 minuted I wasted on this horseshit back. One more thing, karma is not real, in any way, shape, or form in reality. If it were, the bastard that did this, would have tripped on his shoelace while running away, and fell and broke his neck.


  8. Unknown,
    Oh, Karma is real, honey!
    It may take years, but the past
    does catch up with one!

  9. The killing had nothing to do with her brother. This guy was in the complex a week earlier for some reason doing an odd job and smelled weed. He knocked on the guys door and bought some. He came back this day and bought again and dipped the joint in formaldehyde which made in pull what he did.


  10. Gr,
    The brother was a drug dealer.
    The killer dealt with him. Being
    a drug dealer is not exactly an
    upstanding citizen of the community.
    I still see him as complcit.

    As for the formaldehyde, I never
    heard anything about that? How did

  11. is hicks still alive which jail is he in

  12. Unknown,
    I don't know the answers to both.
    If I knew what jail he was in, I would tell you.
