Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Murder Of Janet Walsh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Anyone who read Bel Kaufman's brilliant book, "Up The Down Staircase," will recall that "the theme of 'Macbeth' is that excessive ambition leads to disaster."  What Bel did not tell was that it is not just having ambition, but the kind of ambition that can prove disastrous.  And that small minded ambition can sometimes be  more dangerous than large.

                             Which was the case with Janet Walsh.

                              In the early morning hours of September 1, Janet was found dead by her parents in her home in Monaca, Pennsylvania.  The name alone, hons, should tell you already this is some kind of Podunk place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Janet was a girl with a zest for life.  She was no tramp, darlings, but she liked a good time.  And why not?  She had just divorced her husband, Scott, who, while no killer, turned out to be no prize as a husband, so Janet was playing the field.  Too bad she met up with, in 1979, 33-year-old Gregory Scott Hopkins.  Because, after thirty-four years, he was found (though he proclaims his innocence--HAH!!!!!!!!) to be the killer of Catherine Janet Walsh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            The two had been having a sex buddy relationship, it would appear.  Whether Janet had other ideas is not clear.  What is clear was that, in spite of screwing Janet, Hopkins already had a wife and family.

                              Like I said, Monaca, Pennsylvania is probably some Podunk, small town place, filled with people with small minds, and even smaller ambitions.  Hopkins was one of these types; not delusional enough to have huge ambitions like governor or beyond, just dumb enough to aspire to something as simple as a councilman in nearby Bridgewater--PA, not NJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Which he did achieve.  But, back in 1979, when he was starting his climb, he saw Janet as a liability.  Simply ending the affair might cause her to tell others, and he could not have anyone finding out, to rise politically.  So, when he went to Janet's home that evening, it was not just for sex, or to end the affair.  He killed her out of ruthless petty ambition, so she would not ruin his plans!!!!!!!!!!  Sick fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 When Hopkins was finally convicted, in 2013, he was 67 years old.  He not only strangled Janet, but ejaculated onto her back!  Pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   All to be a small town councilman.  A small fish in a small pond!  Now, he is in a larger one--prison!!!!!!!!!!!  Bet he's not so ambitious now!!!!!!!!!!!!  What good are those goals and aspirations doing you now, Greg?  Except to give Justice to Janet and her family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     What an amateur, and a dummy!!!!!!!!!!!  Next to him, Lady Macbeth was a professional!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You know, just because people live in small towns doesn’t mean they have small minds. I grew up 20 minutes away from Monaca in a town smaller than Monaca. Generalizing an entire region as small minded...we’ll just tells me the writer is the one with the small mind


  2. Unknown,
    As the writer I can add
    I grew up in a small town.
    I was not treated well there,
    and got the hell out as soon
    as I was able.

    Read "Kings Row," Sinclair Lewis,
    Grace Metalious. The small town
    has always been representative of
    the worst about America, in literature.

    And I have no regrets about leaving!
    I DON'T forget, darling!

  3. One more thought...literature can make the small town representative of the worst in America, that’s pure fiction. In reality, big cities represent the worst of America with crime, homelessness, pollution, prostitution, and all manner of excess, dear.


  4. Unknown,

    Oh, I completely get your being
    tired of the stereotypes. I moved on,
    have been back, and while the town seems
    different, I can't say how much since
    I am not there on a day to day basis.
    But you may be right.

    I grew up during the 50's and 60's.
    An altogether different time.


  5. Unknown,

    I don't for a second dispute
    what you say abut big cities.
    Living in NYC for over 30 years,
    I can concur.

    But small towns are not problem'
    free. They are not perfect.
    That is all I am saying.
