Monday, September 22, 2014

Is There No Faith In Marriage, Anymore?????????? Even White Trash Marriages Don't Last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                   Remember, darlings, if you don't hear it first on The Raving Queen, at least you won't hear it anywhere else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Can you imagine it?   Mama June and Sugar Bear, of 'Honey Boo Boo,' are breaking up!!!!!!!!!  If this goes to divorce, the consequences could be fatal for all, whose careers are limited, anyway, including Honey Boo Boo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Who will get custody of Honey Boo Boo?  Will this turn into a family war, like the Culkins????????  Will they share jointly?  How will this impact the show??????    And how could Mama June and Sugar Bear do this???????????????

                           It used to be when White Trash got married, they stuck together, either due to ignorance, the fact that nobody else could tolerate them, or a Right Wing ethos that believed in the sanctity of marriage, no matter how miserable you or your children were!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              But I am telling you right now, girls!  Better watch out for that Sugar Bear!  If he gets cut lose, lots of gay boys will going after him!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Can't get enough of his Sugar Crisps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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