Monday, September 22, 2014

Today, We Remember!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               My heart and prayers go out to Clementis on this day, which will certainly never be forgotten by them, and will be recalled by many in the years to come.  Four years ago today, Tyler Clementi tragically ended his life, setting in motion a wave of debates, actions and initiations all centered on eradicating the kind of bullying that led to his tragic demise.

                                  As long as I will live, I will recall every detail of the incident. Where I was when I first heard.  Where I was when I first saw this now iconic photo.   The pain and empathy I felt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And still do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Four years ago Tyler was a college freshman. Today, he would be entering the real world.  Now, we have that girl Kaitlyn, who got drunk at a party, and the University is under investigation for that.

                                   It begs me to ask.

                                    What is it with Rutgers????????????????????????

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