Thursday, October 23, 2014

Beth Macintyre Is A Fabulous Bitch, Girls, But A Cautionary One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             A revisit to "Black Swan," the 2010 Darren Aronofsky film that won Natalie Portman her Best Actress Oscar, reveals it may not be the Ultimate Bitch Movie, (that distinction belongs to "Valley Of The Dolls;" how could it  not????????) but there are plenty of bitches in this film, which aspires to be so much more than what it is--thanks to Aronofsky's dazzling visual tricks which turn into an art film into something that might have been more entertaining, had it stepped down to the campy level of, say "The Turning Point."

                              The most important thing I learned from "Black Swan" on a second viewing is that if your mother is Barbara Hershey, there will be issues.  Erica Sayers is an ex-dancer wannabe, who pushes her daughter into the world she so desperately wanted.  Sometimes there are positive results from this, as witness Kelly Bishop's now iconic transformation into Sheila Bryant in "A Chorus Line."  The trouble with Erica is., mentally, she still thinks she is Moira Shearer in "The Red Shoes," when she never was in the first place.  So, it is no wonder she does the kind of number that is going to mess her daughter, Nina up, whether she gets the lead, or not.

                                 Thomas Leroy, the director, recognizes in Nina a budding Eve Harrington, which she is brought to, in the famous scene where she loses herself, and loses it, pushing at her reflection in the mirror, and screaming, "It's my turn!"  Nina is on her way to first class bitchery, but she cannot upstage the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                                   The prize goes to Winona Ryder, as Beth Macintyre.  Beth was once the star of the company, but she has aged out, and this Swan Queen is not about to give up her throne.

                                     Hons, I know how Beth feels.  And I love her best bitch moments, when she confronts Nina at the party, calling her "You fucking little whore," and when she tells of Thomas in front of everyone.  This is the kind of bitch we love; one who stands up for herself, and seems resilient.

                                        And how about that haunting moment when the two swans pass each other
in the stage alley?  One on the way out, the other in!!!!!!!!

                                       Alas, Beth (though said to be based on Gelsey Kirkland) is a fictitious bitch,which means she is a construct by the writer and director.  Instead of empowering Beth, they make her implode into herself, getting hit by a car (was it intentional or not?) and hospitalized, where she may or may not attempt suicide with a nail file.  The last thing we see is Nina visiting her. where Beth says, "I'm not prefect. I am nothing!"

                                         Girls, this is why I say Nina is a cautionary bitch!  I think the filmmakers want to say, don't behave this way, or you will end up like this.  I say Beth needed a dose of Bitch Medicine--maybe some more drinks--and should have exited or a regal note, like Ann Blyth, as Veda, who, on being hauled off to prison, sticks up her nose, and says, "Don't worry about me, Mother; I'll get by," at the close of "Mildred Pierce."    And we know she will.  Then there is Patty McCormack, going, unrepentant, to her death by lightning, at the close of "The Bad Seed."

                                           Beth's moral, girls, is if you are going to be a bitch, be one!  Don't cave in on yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              We love you, Beth!!!!!!!!!!  But we miss all you could have been!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 And no one replaces yours truly!!!!!!!!!!!!   The Raving Queen is always ready for battle!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   But all this can be energy draining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Which is why it is said, "Choose your battles well," girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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